Westport County Water District board elections will be held this year. We are a 5 member board, with 2 vacant seats. If you are interested in becoming a board member please contact us to join the team.
Notice to Water Customers:
Water Main & Hydrant Flushing is now scheduled for April 22nd and April 23rd, 2024. The weather did not cooperate so we could not fill our water tanks to allow us to flush last month on the scheduled days.
Hydrant flushing is a vital maintenance activity to clean and flush the City’s water mains. Fire hydrants are opened to move a large volume of water at a higher‐than‐normal velocity through the system. This procedure mobilizes particles and minerals that settle over time and flushes them out of the pipes resulting in higher water quality.
This activity will cause periods of discolored water that may stain light‐colored laundry. We recommend customers avoid washing light colored laundry on the date scheduled for their area. The water will remain safe to use and will generally clear within a few hours after flushing is completed. If you notice discolored water in your home or business run the water at the hose bibs outside for a few minutes until clear, then run the cold water inside until the water is clear.
For more information call John Morrill at 707-303-6677
The Westport County Water District is in need of your help. As of July 8th, our Board of Directors is down to three active members. In order to be a full functioning Board, we need to have five active members. These are volunteer positions that we need to fill so we can continue providing great services to the community.
To be a board member you must be a registered voter within the Westport County Water District limits. You must attend our monthly board meetings which take place every second Thursday of the month at 7pm. Currently these meetings are being held via Zoom, but we will hopefully be transitioning back to in person meetings at the Westport Volunteer Fire Department Fire House soon. You also must be able to sign a Form 700, which states that you have no financial conflicts of interest.
If you are interested, and would like more information, please contact Kayla Cooper via email wcwd55@gmail.com or phone 707-367-1057.
37551 Shoreline Highway, Westport, California 95488, United States
PO Box 55, Westport, CA 95488 707-962-1612