Notice to Water Customers:
Water Main & Hydrant Flushing is scheduled for March 23rd and March 24th, 2023.
Hydrant flushing is a vital maintenance activity to clean and flush the City’s water mains. Fire hydrants are opened to move a large volume of water at a higher‐than‐normal velocity through the system. This procedure mobilizes particles and minerals that settle over time and flushes them out of the pipes resulting in higher water quality.
This activity will cause periods of discolored water that may stain light‐colored laundry. We recommend customers avoid washing light colored laundry on the date scheduled for their area. The water will remain safe to use and will generally clear within a few hours after flushing is completed. If you notice discolored water in your home or business run the water at the hose bibs outside for a few minutes until clear, then run the cold water inside until the water is clear.
For more information call John Morrill at 707-303-6677
Westport County Water District will be holding a special board meeting on Tuesday August 23rd at 10 am via Zoom. Please see the Agenda posted at the Westport Store or on our website for more information. Email Kayla at for a link to the meeting. Below you will find the PDF for the topic of discussion.
Dear Valued Customer,
Water Main & Hydrant Flushing is scheduled for June 23rd and June 24th, 2022.
Hydrant flushing is a vital maintenance activity to clean and flush the City’s water mains. Fire hydrants are opened to move a large volume of water at a higher‐than‐normal velocity through the system. This procedure mobilizes particles and minerals that settle over time and flushes them out of the pipes resulting in higher water quality.
This activity will cause periods of discolored water that may stain light‐colored laundry. We recommend customers avoid washing light colored laundry on the date scheduled for their area. The water will remain safe to use and will generally clear within a few hours after flushing is completed. If you notice discolored water in your home or business run the water at the hose bibs outside for a few minutes until clear, then run the cold water inside until the water is clear.
For more information call John Morrill at 707-303-6677
This is another friendly reminder that the next invoice you receive will have the final rate increase for the 2017 Five Year Plan and Budget.
WCWD combined water/sewer monthly rates for the fiscal year will increase as follows:
Residential rate of $209 will increase to $214 per month; and
Commercial rate of $328 will increase to $336 per month.
This will be the final rate increase for the 2017 Five Year Plan and Budget. WCWD will start procedures to prepare our next Five Year Budget plan shortly. We encourage all of our customers to attend our board meetings, which take place the second Thursday of each month at 7pm. If you are interested, please contact Kayla at to receive a link for the meeting.
Thank you,
The Westport County Water District Board of Directors
Lee Tepper
David Brothers
Ryan Grossman
Gary Weiss
Hello everyone,
This month's regular Board Meeting was postponed because we did not have a quorum. It has been rescheduled for Thursday May 19, 2022 at 7pm via zoom. If you would like to attend, please contact Kayla at for a link to the meeting.
Thank you
April was a great rainfall month! We recorded 7.1 inches of rain at our water treatment plant during April. This brings our seasonal total up to 34.2 inches. This is still 8.8 inches below normal but Wages Creek flow is well above last years amount at this time. This coupled with the very responsible water use of all our customers is relieving most of the worry about our drought situation. We are not implementing any of our Emergency Drought Plan stages at this time. We should be good thru the summer months. The late fall and early winter months may give us some concern but that will depend on if and when we get rainfall.
We are always available to assist if you are having a water leak emergency. We may have some plumbing supplies you might need and can shut your water off to facilitate repairs and minimize loss. You can call my cell phone at 707-303-6677 for assistance.
From John Morrill, WCWD Operations Manager
We dealt with the drought last year very successfully. Westport County Water District customers were responsible with their water use. Also, we had enough water coming down Wages Creek that we were able to draw from it and did not have to use our standby well.
This year is looking like we will be challenged again. As of now our water supply is fine but I anticipate a strain on it from possibly August until significant rainfall this coming Winter. It may become more serious than last year. We will be reviewing and possibly updating our Drought Emergency Plan.
This is a great time to develop good habits regarding our water use. Shutting off water when washing dishes, during showers, brushing teeth etc. can all help without compromising hygiene or safety.
Outdoor usage can be huge and a good opportunity for conservation. Please plan your outdoor plantings with water conservation in mind and an awareness that outdoor watering may not be possible this fall.
Faulty plumbing is another potential large waste of water. A leaking toilet can waste 700 gallons a day. Dripping faucets can also add up to significant amounts. Broken sprinklers or sprinkler pipes also hurt.
We are always available to assist if you are having a water leak emergency. We may have some plumbing supplies you might need and can shut your water off to facilitate repairs and minimize loss. You can call my cell phone at 707-303-6677 for assistance.
From John Morrill, WCWD Operations Manager
Dear Valued Customer,
In 2017, the WCWD Board of Directors approved a budget with rate increases spread out over a 5-year period. Due to COVID-19, the WCWD resolved to postpone the rate increase of July 2020 in the interest of providing all of our customers a little break of temporary financial relief.
In order to consistently provide you with clean and safe drinking water, and to keep the sewage out of the streets (!), we must stick to and respect our budget of revenues and expenses. We have annual operating costs, capital improvement costs, various governmental fees, and permitting that needs to be planned and addressed on a continual basis.
In line with the WCWD 2017 – Five Year Plan and Budget, starting July 1st, 2022, the WCWD combined water/sewer monthly rates for the fiscal year will increase as follows:
Residential rate of $209 will increase to $214 per month; and
Commercial rate of $328 will increase to $336 per month.
This will be the final rate increase for the 2017 Five Year Plan and Budget.
We appreciate everyone’s understanding on these matters as we move forward with our Mission to continually provide clean water and safe sewer practices to our community.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kayla Cooper at 707-367-1057 or by email
The Westport County Water District Board of Directors
Lee Tepper
David Brothers
Ryan Grossman
Gary Weiss
Stage 1- Drought Advisory l
Less than 60 % of yearly average rainfall as of May 1st. The yearly average is 43 inches, so stage 1 is implemented at less than 25.8 inches measured at the Water Plant.
1. Voluntary conservation advocated by WCWD
2. Outdoor gardening with conservation in mind
3. Repairing any faulty plumbing that may be wasting water
Stage 2- Drought Advisory ll
Wages Creek flows less than 5 cubic feet per second over minimum
In addition to Stage 1 items above:
1. Only Baseline usage encouraged; overages would be billed at normal rate of $0.006 per gallon; and
2. No outdoor watering would be permitted between 10AM and 6PM every day.
Stage 3 -Extreme Conservation Measures Mandatory
The WCWD primary source, Wages Creek flows less than 1 cubic foot per second over minimum.
In addition to Stage 2 items above:
1. No overhead watering is permitted, reasonable drip irrigation systems only;
2. WCWD Customers will be permitted to use only 75% of the standard baseline allocations previously established, overages over 75% billed at an additional $0.02 per gallon;
3. No water sales from fire hydrants;
4. WCWD goal of 50% of monthly usage totals compared to previous year totals. WCWD Customer baselines can be adjusted down or up to help meet the WCWD goal of 50% monthly usage total;
5. More frequent meter reading may be needed to identify possible non-compliant customers and to provide timely notice of WCWD concerns;
6. WCWD customers that are not in compliance of Stage 3 Conservation Measures and are considered excessive water users with Stage 3 may have water flow restriction valves installed on their property access for the remainder of the month(s) or be shut off for the remainder of the month(s) if their non-compliant use of WCWD water is reasonably placing the WCWD water conservation goals and targets in jeopardy to the detriment of the WCWD as a whole.
Stage 4 -Grave Water Emergency Status
Unable to draw or access water from Wages Creek, the WCWD primary source of water:
In addition to stage 3 and other items above:
1. No outdoor watering using WCWD water.
2. Use of WCWD standby well would be considered for all WCWD water needs. Estimated capacity of 50,000 gallons per week for the entire District. Probable health advisory notices would be issued due to compromised water quality.
3. Weekly water meter reading. More frequent if water storage levels are declining.
4. Non-essential commercial customers will be shut off for the rest of the month if they go over 50% of their baseline. These are the commercial vacation rental properties paying commercial rates, the wedding venue property, the hotel, the inn and the deli. This means they have 6000 gallons allotted to them to use, after exceeding the 6,000 gallon allocation that they will be shut off for the rest of the month.
5. Residential customers will have flow restrictors installed for the rest of the month if they go over 50% of their baseline. This means they have 3000 gallons of water allocated to them to use, and after exceeding the 3,000 gallons of residential water use, then flow restrictors will be installed for the rest of the month.
6. Wages Creek Campground will be shut off if they exceed 50% of their 2020 monthly totals.
7. All of the baseline percentages stated above may be decreased to lower percentages as determined by the WCWD if Fire Protection Levels for emergency water volumes are approaching minimums required by law. This means that customers baselines can be lowered, and restrictors or shutoffs initiated to a lower baseline percentage as determined by the WCWD. Such action could also occur if the District is using more than the standby well can produce and the WCWD reasonably determines that this is in the best interest of the District as a whole.
Procedure for Restricting or Shutting off Customers
1. All WCWD Customers will be advised in writing if their water usage is trending towards or going over their percent of their relevant baseline. This notice will be with a note on their door, phone notification (with subsequent writing) or email notification.
2. The Westport County Water District Board of Directors will set up a formally noticed hearing, either in person or via Zoom, with the Customer to discuss the matter and issues that impact the WCWD as a whole, listen to their response and then determine if shutting off or restricting their water usage is warranted. The Customer must first be in good standing with all water invoice payments to the WCWD to have standing.
3. The Board of Directors will then order District Staff to take appropriate action after hearing the evidence as presented at the hearing.
4. These measures are designed to be implemented if the relevant WCWD Customers usage is not in compliance with this Drought Emergency Plan and is determined by the WCWD Board of Directors to be placing the WCWD in jeopardy of placing the WCWD below the State mandated fire protection minimum water reserves for managing possible fires in the
The Westport County Water District is in need of your help. As of July 8th, our Board of Directors is down to three active members. In order to be a full functioning Board, we need to have five active members. These are volunteer positions that we need to fill so we can continue providing great services to the community.
To be a board member you must be a registered voter within the Westport County Water District limits. You must attend our monthly board meetings which take place every second Thursday of the month at 7pm. Currently these meetings are being held via Zoom, but we will hopefully be transitioning back to in person meetings at the Westport Volunteer Fire Department Fire House soon. You also must be able to sign a Form 700, which states that you have no financial conflicts of interest.
If you are interested, and would like more information, please contact Kayla Cooper via email or phone 707-367-1057.
37551 Shoreline Highway, Westport, California 95488, United States
PO Box 55, Westport, CA 95488 707-962-1612